How to sync directories between several computers
Par Luciol
How to sync my home directories between my personnal computers
Use case : let’s assume you have at least two pc’s, with personnal files in a home directory, and would like to have the same versions of your files on both computers. Your systems can communicate by ssh.
Solution : synchronize your files with unison (cross platform solution).
How to (very short) :
Install unison : with apt if under a debian like distrib. Otherwise, refer to you operating system packages manager. Bonus, unison was also available on windows.
sudo apt get install unison
Pay attention to the unison version : not all are compatible between them. The installation process might be developped more precisely in a further version of this post.
Choose the directory you want to sync. Since unison will browse every file before syncing (to determine wich is the most recent one), it can be a very long process if you try to sync .cache directories, or very large files accross the network.
Sync with the propers options : for exemple
unison -auto -perms 0 ~/myLocalDir ssh://me@remotepc//home/me/myDistantDir/
Explanations :
- auto : reconcile changes automaticaly (otherwise you will be asked for each - … each what… I should check).
- perms 0 : don’t touch file permissions (linux). Otherwise it will mess the rights between the two systems.
- me : the user (you)
- myLocal[Distant]Dir : self explanatory.